How do I sign up?
Contact the office and we will confirm your FREE taster session day, we need a few details from you but you will then be all set. At the taster session you will need to pay the membership fee £25.00 if you would like to take your pack home with you but there is no obligation. This can be done in class via bank transfer or paid in cash. Your term fee invoice will be in your pack along with a H&S form that needs to be returned at your first class following your taster.
What does my child have to wear?
For your taster session Please bring your little one in something easy to move around in (leggings and T shirt is great) and non slip socks or soft shoes and a drink for our drink breaks.
Following your taster if all goes well, you will receive your uniform in your welcome pack. We do sell lots of other ballet bits but these are not essential. We fit ballet shoes in class too as these can be tricky to get right the first time, all our ballet shoes have pre sown elastics…because life is way to busy to be sewing elastics on.
Do I stay in the class with my little one?
This is the best thing about The tutu Club – in our teeny and tutu classes you get to share the experience with your child and us. In our teeny classes you are more than welcome to stay up on the dance floor and dance with us. In our tutu classes we encourage our dancers to dance on their own with you watching on – but this is
Not set in stone and we want every individual child to build confidence with us, so this may take a little while – no ones tutu journey is the same.
Can I take photos or videos in class?
Sorry we have a strict no photos or filming in sessions to protect our members – however we have photos taken in classes on occasion and will make sure you are informed of this.
What if my child does not want to join in to start?
That is fine, we are experts in our field and will 100% make sure your child enjoys their session, even from the sidelines to start with.
Can I start Mid term?
Yes if we have space you can start anytime during the term​​.
How many people can come to watch? Can I bring my other children?
Generally we like to keep this to one parent/carer just due to the size of our venues, but please contact the office and just let them know if you would like to bring other family members. Brothers and sisters are welcome to sit and watch quietly and babies are welcome in prams or a sling. (If siblings are disruptive we may need to ask you to step outside so our tutu-ers can have full concentration on the class).
What happens at the end of term?
We roll your spot over to the next term unless you let us know any different or would like to move sessions. We do ask for 4 weeks notice on leaving the Club.
Do you have a waiting list?
It is always worth registering your interest as early as possible as our waiting lists get quite big​.
Any other questions that we have not covered please contact Katie in the office.